Between: A 3D Printed Sculpture Exploring the Concept of Interconnectedness

A Unique Design by Daeki Shim and Hyojun Shim

Inspired by construction models built through 3D printing, the Between sculpture by Daeki Shim and Hyojun Shim is a captivating exploration of the concept of "between." Through its innovative design and use of 3D printing technology, this sculpture invites viewers to contemplate the interconnectedness of spaces, objects, and people.

The designers drew inspiration from the Venn diagram, a plane shape that represents overlapping areas between two or more sets. By using this shape as the basis for the letter "B," they visually conveyed the meaning of the word "between." The sculpture consists of two 3D printed symbols of the letter "B," which appear as a flat plane when viewed from the front. However, as viewers change their angle of observation, the form of the sculpture transforms, revealing the individually unique structures of the two 3D printed symbols.

The realization of the Between sculpture involved a combination of digital design and 3D printing technology. The designers used Adobe Illustrator to create the 2D logo, which was then modeled in a 3D modeling program. The resulting file was converted for compatibility with a 3D printer, and the final sculpture was produced through the additive manufacturing process. After-treatment techniques were applied to enhance the solidity and stability of the sculpture.

The Between sculpture measures W:250 mm x D:55 mm x H:135 mm, making it a compact yet impactful piece of art. Its unique design and thought-provoking concept make it suitable for display in galleries, exhibitions, or as a logo representing the idea of "between."

Daeki Shim and Hyojun Shim, the creative directors and designers behind the Between sculpture, aimed to encourage viewers to reflect on the definition of "between" by considering the location from which they observe the artwork. By contemplating the space, objects, or people situated in the opposite direction of the sculpture, viewers are prompted to explore the interconnectedness that exists in various aspects of life. The designers believe that expressing the concept of "between" through a three-dimensional artwork provides a more impactful experience than a two-dimensional representation.

The Between sculpture was conceived in October 2010 in London and completed in 2011. Throughout the design process, the designers conducted extensive research on the concept of "between" and the interconnectedness it represents. They sought to explore the potential links that can exist in all "betweens," emphasizing the idea of interconnectedness with other elements.

Creating the Between sculpture presented several challenges for the designers. The complex formation of the design required careful execution during the 3D printing process, often resulting in broken parts and the need for meticulous collaboration with the printing company to achieve the desired level of completion.

The Between sculpture by Daeki Shim and Hyojun Shim has garnered recognition in the design community. In 2016, it was awarded the Iron A' Design Award in the 3D Printed Forms and Products Design category. This prestigious award recognizes well-designed, practical, and innovative creations that meet professional and industrial requirements. The Between sculpture stands out for its integration of industry best practices, competent technical characteristics, and its ability to evoke fulfillment and positive emotions.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Daeki Shim, Hyojun Shim
Image Credits: Image #1, 2, 3, 4, 5: Photographer Daeki Shim, Hyojun Shim, Between, 2011 & 2015
Project Team Members: Creative Director & Designer: Daeki Shim, Hyojun Shim
Project Name: Between
Project Client: Daeki Shim, Hyojun Shim

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Between IMG #3
Between IMG #4
Between IMG #5
Between IMG #5

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